Cerca de Editorial : APILA

4 Resultats

    Hello, I am Verna the Witch. I am very excited because I am going on a date. I think I look very PRETTY but not everyone agrees. They won't stop giving me suggestions and I don't know what to do. Could they be right? Is it possible to please others and still feel good? ...
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    15,00 €

    A picture book that teaches us to value our own identity and reflect on what we think is NORMAL or WEIRD. Clement is NORMAL and in the queue for a job, at the new mansion in town, where only strange people seemed to have applied. For sure, this is going to be easy. But to have a long neck, a nose that looks like a hose, or strange eyes can have its advantages. And it turns out ...
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    15,00 €

  • A TREE
    Alina decided to plant a tree and everything began to change. Sometimes a little decision is enough to transform everything around us. ...
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    Félix perdió su querida bufanda en el parque.Era larga y roja.¿Dónde estará?¿Quién se la habrá llevado? La bufanda roja es un álbum para entender que todo cambia pero nada se pierde, y que aquello que tejió el amor continúa siempre con nosotros, aunque a ...
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