Ive always been the girl who wasnt worth the trouble, but once upon a time he made me believe I was worth more.
I might be going to the college of my dreams with only my violin and a few hundred dollars to my name, but Ill work harder than any student theyve ever had, and nothing will stop me. Cedar Lakes University is how I turn my life around.
As my future begins to unravel, Im slowly realizing that my plan has flaws. A math class I cant pass and the boy I wish I could forget. As luck would have it, hes the only one who can help me. One summer he walked away from me and now hes my tutor. The schools quarterback, Sebastian Dawson. Hes a pro at getting under my skin, making me feel things I dont have time to feel.
But the more time I spend with him, the more he makes my head spin.
Can I pass the class without falling for his charms again?
Not a day goes by where I dont wish that summer ended differently, but I had promises to keep and obligations to fulfil.
Ive never forgotten her and now, Ive got another chance. Only problem is her walls are up, and I have to scale them once again. So, when the opportunity to help her falls into my lap, theres no way I can say no. I want to show her that Im not the guy she thinks I am.
Ill do anything to show her that shes worth the trouble.