Oh no! I must go. The magic stops at midnight, said Cinderella. Wait! Come back! I dont know your name, called the Prince.
Poor Cinderella! She works all day and her two horrible stepsisters dont help her. One day an invitation arrives from the Prince. But Cinderella cant go to the party because shes got work to do. But her fairy godmother arrives and amazing things happen
! Does
she go to the party? Does she meet the Prince?
Vocabulary areas clothes, housework
Grammar and structures
Past simple regular and irregular
forms - Verb + infinitive - Must for
obligation - Adverbs: never, quickly -
Comparative and superlative adverbs
- Conjunctions: because, but, and
- Preps of time: after, on - Question
words: why, when, where, who
In this Reader you will find:
Games and language activities A Make it section A Lets Act! section An audio recording of the story and the song
Family Magic Adventure