
17 NOV

Global Crisis and Solutions 2020

What can I do to help?
Global Crisis and Solutions 2020

In order to tackle this pandemic, bouncing from confinement to other drastic measures, there are plenty of people in low spirits, confused, surviving to make ends meet.

At economic level, small businesses have been hit the hardest. Online sales, mainly the ones from Amazon, have had a 85% increase in the last months. Meanwhile, walking down the street, we can see all the shops that have shut down forever.

Loads of small retailers and self-employed workers are suffering the consequences of an improvised management of this global crisis by politicians. Big multinational platforms are filling their pockets and the small ones slowly disappear.

Well, is there anything, aside from complaining, that we could be able to do?


What can I do to help?

A wonderful way to support retailers is to keep buying in our neighbourhood anything from food and clothes to books. To those who, because of this situation, are not eager to go out shopping and feel more secure buying online, there is something they can do to help:

More and more small shops have created their own online platform, as has LINGUAE. You can purchase online and support the small businesses all at once. If we all collaborate, the shops that keep our neighbourhood alive will remain there for us for many years. The neighbourhood will thank us for it. Cheer up and look for alternatives to the big multinational platforms that support small businesses.

From LINGUAE, we can provide you with books in different languages, novels, children’s books, teen’s material, methodology books, non-fictions, didactic games and countless more things!
LINGUAE, Language specialized Bookshop . We bring you the world home .


LINGUAE, language specialized Bookshop · We bring the world home for you.
